war for top talent

The Emergency Nurse Recruiter was founded in 2007 by a healthcare executive who clearly understands that a healthcare organization can only provide high quality, cost-effective patient care with the correct mix of leadership and personnel. The Emergency Nurse Recruiter's mission is to identify top talent for our employers and top opportunities for our candidates. We focus on meeting the needs of both the employer and candidate to facilitate a mutually beneficial, long lasting, employment arrangement. Our recruiter's focus is limited to one or two healthcare spaces making them experts in the field they recruit in. The Emergency Nurse Recruiter's recruiters will be experts in what is need in their individual areas. Thus having a laser focus on what the hiring manages are looking for in their next hire. Not simply going off a job description from human resources that is cookie cutter and covers the basics. We talk to our candidates about productivity, quality and relevant metrics that will make them successful in the role.

Uncover Top Talent

Our Recruiters work in NICHEs, this means they focus on one maybe two like disciplines. Therefore, they understand what it takes to work in that unit or perform and duties required of a position. The Recruiters spend years on building relationships with candidates to determine what their needs are from both a career path and personal perspective. Each conversation they have with candidates strengthens the knowledge of the position and industry. Our mission is to connect the right candidate to the right opportunity. We like to see long term employment situations. However, Just as the hospital needs sick people to treat, but wishes no illness on anyone. We understand there are time of change from both the employer and employee's perspective.

Passive Candidates

We focus mostly on Passive candidates that are not currently looking but would entertain the right fit if it comes across. Our cultivated relationships with Candidates helps us understand what they are looking for in their next position. There are many factors to consider when matching up candidates to opportunities. Rest assured, we will not waste your time sending candidates that are not a match for you position or not truly interested.

Retained Search

We reserve the Retained Search for most difficult searches. Our recruiters typically are running multiple searches at any given time. This search is for the customers that want immediate attention and results from our recruiters. Our recruiters will only work one retained search at a time. We are paid 100% for the search. A third is do at initiation, a third at 30 days and the final third upon candidate signing an offer letter.

Contingency Search

Our Contingency search is based on results. The Client does not pay unless the client hires our candidate. While this is the most popular search, the recruiters are working other searches as well and the results may take longer.

Hybrid Search

A hybrid search is the best of both searches. In this search, the company puts down a non refundable 33% and the other 66% is contingent on the candidate getting hired. This search has a focus to it which guarantees success.

Helping You Achieve Success

Unlock Your Full Potential. Say Hello to top Leadership Candidates

The right mix of leadership will transfer your unit from bad to great. The right leader will cut back on turnover reducing costs. Will create a culture of quality care delivered in a cost effective manner.

Candidates that have experience.

Candidates that have the metrics of success. Presented by recruiters who understand the metrics.

Leaders that can make change in your facility.

Candidates that have the education and certificates needed.

Stop wasting your time screening presented candidates to determine they are not a fit..

Permanent Placement

We help identify full time employees for all levels of positions. We excel at Clinical Leadership!

Interim Talent

We help identify full time employees for all levels of positions. We excel at Clinical Leadership!

Don’t Wait Any Longer. Start Hiring Top Talent Today!

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